EE Design & Consultation
We are a company of engineers built for engineering design services. We provide support for all aspects and all phases of electrical and electronics engineering development..and we are infinitely efficient at it!!

What we do
DSP & Communications
We provide solutions for the most challenging DSP & Communications problems
Design Consulting
Onsite/Offsite support for all of your digital challenges
Design experience with all of the major chip manufacturers: Xilinx, Intel, Microchip/Microsemi, Lattice, ...
We have a vast catalog of IP available for rapid system development and prototyping
Embedded SoftWare Development
C/C++ development for embedded applications
System design & Modeling
We have extensive experience with Matlab system modeling and performance analysis
Requirements translation and generation from high level customer reqs to low level logic specifications
Testbenching, DFT, and DO254 support for simple to very complex systems